I make mechanical puzzles that will blow your mind. Check out my Puzzle Shop. Or buy a Custom Puzzle.

I have been designing and building mechanical puzzles since I was in high school. I started out hacking apart store-bought Rubik’s Cubes and gluing on handmade extensions, but the hobby really took off as soon as I learned to CAD. These days, I use various forms of 3D printing to fabricate the pieces, and I cut the stickers on a vinyl plotter. Here’s a video I made a while back that gives a more in-depth look at how I make my puzzles:
Mass production
Several of my puzzles have been licensed for mass-production by well-established puzzle manufacturers such as MF8 and Calvin Fan. If you are a toy manufacturer, and you are interested striking a deal to produce one of my puzzles, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Awards and recognition
The puzzle community holds an annual Puzzle Design Competition to promote and recognize ingenuity and innovation in the hobby. A few of my puzzles have done quite well in past years.